Truth about Skincare

Last updated on 12th Jan, 2024.

The truth is that you can get better skin, hair & treat the root cause of common issues if you stop using your products. Only researchers & dermatologists updated with the latest research like Dr. Sandy Skotnicki talk about this truth. 

Your skin is just like any other organ of your body which has been intelligently designed by nature to keep itself healthy. But we interfere with it with simple products like face wash & shampoo which damages it so much that it creates a need for endless products. Products can make you ‘look’ good but they do that by damaging the skin microbiome. 

Here is the truth!

What is skin microbiome?

Our skin microbiome is made of trillions of bacteria, viruses, fungi ; bacteria being highest in numbers. 

Their role in skin health has been discovered only in the last 10 years. Skin microbiome exfoliates skin, heals scars, fights bad bacteria, balances skin oil, repairs skin barrier, protects from UV rays, slows ageing and even affects your body’s immunity. So you can think of the skin microbiome as a precious ingredient given to you by nature which does all jobs that ingredients ‘claim’ to do.

How do you damage your microbiome?

Any face wash which foams or creates bubbles visibly has foaming agents in high percentage which removes whatever is present on skin including good bacteria. Harsh preservatives & antibacterial ingredients kill good bacteria so they are not safe in any product. 

Gentle preservatives prevent growth of bacteria so they are safe in cleansers as they stay on skin for a short time but are not safe in creams which stay on skin for several hours. Most creams or serums have some kind of water content like extracts, gels, milk, juices etc which requires preservatives.

How to treat skin issues?

The most common skin issues like acne, sensitivity, dryness, eczema etc are caused due to damaging skin microbiome with normal products. Your skin microbiome restores itself when you stop damaging it with products treating the root cause of issues. 

How to treat hair issues?

Common hair issues like hair fall, dandruff, dry hair, hair greying etc are mainly caused due to damaging scalp microbiome with foaming shampoo. 

In some cases other factors like genetics, health issues, hormonal changes, ageing etc are also involved. 

A foaming shampoo not only cleans hair but also cleans away good bacteria and scalp oil - the 2 most important things given by nature for healthy hair. It also makes ‘hair’ dry by removing the little moisture which our hair naturally have. This creates a need for conditioner which has conditioning ingredients like silicones which stick to hair making them dull with time. 

You need hair oils only if you’re using a foaming shampoo, to counteract the damage caused by it. You don’t need hair oils if you’re not stripping your scalp oil. Scalp oil is the best hair oil for you because it can do things which hair oils cannot do. When you give up foaming shampoo, your scalp will produce excess oil in the first few weeks due to the ‘Transition period’ but it becomes normal with time.

What about bathing?

All humans naturally like to stay clean which is why we feel disgusted with dirt. Until the 1900s we cleaned our body only when it got dirty. It was advertising in the 1900s which made us believe that we would not be accepted by society if we don’t rub soap on the whole body. Use of foaming soap or body wash removes good bacteria and depletes natural oil with time. 

Using just water is sufficient to clean parts which don’t get dirty, without making you smell bad. A non foaming cleanser can be used for parts which get dirty. You can even use a non-foaming cleanser on your whole body if you don’t feel clean without using one because of years of conditioning.

What about popular ingredients?

There’s not even a single ingredient which is capable of improving skin’s biology. 

The claims made by many ingredients are backed with fake research funded by the skincare industry. Your skin has Hyaluronic acid, Ceramides etc and applying them makes skin ‘look’ hydrated as long as you use them but doesn’t replace these lost compounds from skin. 

Your body knows how to make collagen if you simply eat Vitamin C. Your skin microbiome does all the jobs which Niacinamide and Salicylic acid does. Retinol can reduce signs of ageing but damages your skin’s natural ability to remain young.

When you use normal skin products your skin becomes dependent on products to do things which it does naturally. Your skin can still look healthy if it’s not sensitive and if you are blessed with good genes. But if you have damaged skin microbiome, it won’t be able to do things like healing scars faster, protecting from UV rays naturally, exfoliating itself etc.

Do you need our products?

Ideally you need our products only when skin gets dirty, dry or needs sun protection but you can also use them on a daily basis. Our products don’t have any magical ingredients, they just don't have ingredients which damage good bacteria, due to which skin restores good bacteria making it healthy. 

Take a one month challenge by following our approach. You will see the difference for yourself.

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